Celebration of Life Day – Chapter 18!
When the first anniversary of my traumatic brain injury rolled around I thought for sure it would be the movie Groundhogs Days and I would get hit again at 4:11pm. I did not find myself “lucky” to be alive. I knew I had a purpose and that is why I survived but “luck” is never what I felt. My sister suggested “Celebration of Life Day” instead of fearing the day I should celebrate it. In July I celebrated my 18th annual Celebration of Life Day. For the 10 year anniversary my mom, sister and I went on our first and only girls trip to New York City and took in the sights and sounds of broadway. One year when my heart was broken after a breakup my parents drove up to the town I live in and met me for a hamburger. If it has been a workday I always have gone to work and mentioned it only to my closest confidants. This year I expanded the celebration to an entire weekend – I went hiking on the Superior Hiking Trail in 3 different counties with 3 of my dearest friends. With my bestfriend in search of seeing Minnesota’s state flower the lady slipper. Then onto a different section of the Superior Hiking Trail with a close friend and her 1 year old daughter and finally ending the evening with another close friend and colleague trekking through mud in Lake County. I went sailing for the first time with the friend I take many adventures. Finally, on the actual day I went to Chipolte for lunch with my two closest work friends. That evening a friend who has become distance text me inviting me over for a hamburger on the grill completely unaware it was the day. When I mentioned it and said it was the universes way of saying we should repair our friendship he smiled and said he was glad he could feed me. It does not matter what you do on the day your life forever changed. I have found enormous value in being outdoors and looking at the trees, mud, ladyslippers, and pushing my body to do things I once could not. There was a point I could not walk a few feet now I hike up and down hills, steps, across roots and through mud. The day is not one to fear. It is so unlikely you will ever get hurt again. However, it is a day to stop, smell the roses, and pause and remind yourself to so very proud of whatever big or little accomplishments you have done! Celebrate yourself and your success! Celebrate you!!! Very few have walked in our muddy boots, dragged our leg behind us, and drooled all over our clothes. Celebrate being you! Surround yourself with nature and people who never gave up on you and have brought you great joy!
Some choose a new years resolution. I choose an annual theme song. Some choose core desired feelings. I choose a word. My word for the last 4 years has been Joy. Any choice I make in life it must meet joy or I do not move past go. I do not say yes to things or people who do not bring me joy. I do not have the energy for people that will exhaust me more than I already am.
When the first anniversary of my traumatic brain injury rolled around I thought for sure it would be the movie Groundhogs Days and I would get hit again at 4:11pm. I did not find myself “lucky” to be alive. I knew I had a purpose and that is why I survived but “luck” is never what I felt. My sister suggested “Celebration of Life Day” instead of fearing the day I should celebrate it. In July I celebrated my 18th annual Celebration of Life Day. For the 10 year anniversary my mom, sister and I went on our first and only girls trip to New York City and took in the sights and sounds of broadway. One year when my heart was broken after a breakup my parents drove up to the town I live in and met me for a hamburger. If it has been a workday I always have gone to work and mentioned it only to my closest confidants. This year I expanded the celebration to an entire weekend – I went hiking on the Superior Hiking Trail in 3 different counties with 3 of my dearest friends. With my bestfriend in search of seeing Minnesota’s state flower the lady slipper. Then onto a different section of the Superior Hiking Trail with a close friend and her 1 year old daughter and finally ending the evening with another close friend and colleague trekking through mud in Lake County. I went sailing for the first time with the friend I take many adventures. Finally, on the actual day I went to Chipolte for lunch with my two closest work friends. That evening a friend who has become distance text me inviting me over for a hamburger on the grill completely unaware it was the day. When I mentioned it and said it was the universes way of saying we should repair our friendship he smiled and said he was glad he could feed me. It does not matter what you do on the day your life forever changed. I have found enormous value in being outdoors and looking at the trees, mud, ladyslippers, and pushing my body to do things I once could not. There was a point I could not walk a few feet now I hike up and down hills, steps, across roots and through mud. The day is not one to fear. It is so unlikely you will ever get hurt again. However, it is a day to stop, smell the roses, and pause and remind yourself to so very proud of whatever big or little accomplishments you have done! Celebrate yourself and your success! Celebrate you!!! Very few have walked in our muddy boots, dragged our leg behind us, and drooled all over our clothes. Celebrate being you! Surround yourself with nature and people who never gave up on you and have brought you great joy!
Some choose a new years resolution. I choose an annual theme song. Some choose core desired feelings. I choose a word. My word for the last 4 years has been Joy. Any choice I make in life it must meet joy or I do not move past go. I do not say yes to things or people who do not bring me joy. I do not have the energy for people that will exhaust me more than I already am.